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Calling for ASEDAS 2022

Important Dates & Submission :

Invitation to participate in 3rd ASEDAS 2022 International Digital Art Exhibition with the theme



Program Title : 3rd ASEDAS 2022 International Digital Art Exhibition

Event Host

  1. ASIAN Southeast Digital Art Association (ASEDAS)

  2. Prince of Songkla University Pattani Campus

  3. Taksin University

  4. Yala Rajabhat University 

Registration deadline : March 7 - April 25, 2021

Entrance fee : FREE for all

Eligibility : Everyone is most welcome to submit their artwork!

  1. Open Category is for everyone: 300 pieces of artwork will be selected by the panel jury to be exhibited in the virtual digital exhibition 2022

  2. Student category is for students under 18 years old: 100 pieces of artwork will be selected by the panel jury to be exhibited in the virtual digital exhibition 2022


However, copyright matters! Any art piece that contains insults will be disqualified immediately. The author warrants that the works submitted, and the exhibits do not infringe the intellectual property rights of third parties. The Organizer will not be responsible for any infringement of property rights. The Organizer reserves the right to display and publish for non-commercial purposes. Therefore, the author who submits the work to the contest is deemed to agree to the terms of this exhibition.

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